Testomat.io Pipe

Testomat.io Pipe sends data to Testomat.io Applicationopen in new window. Testomat.io provides free projects forever and unlimited test runs. Even it is a cloud application you can use it for free.

🔌 To enable Testomat.io pipe set TESTOMATIO environment variable with API key provided by Testomatio.

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} <actual run command>

Here are some possible use cases where you can use additional configuration on reporter:

Create Unmatched Tests

Testomat.io will not create tests from the report if they have not been previously imported. To create tests during the report TESTOMATIO_CREATE option can be used:


Add Report to Run by ID

This feature is widely used when a run is executed on CI. A run is created before the test is started and it is marked as scheduled. Then a report is assigned to that run using TESTOMATIO_RUN environment variable and {RUN_ID} of a run:


Do Not Finalize Run

If multiple reports are added to the same run, each of them should not finalize the run. In this case use TESTOMATIO_PROCEED=1 environment variable, so the Run will be shown as Running


After all reports were attached and run can be execute the following command:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_RUN={RUN_ID} npx start-test-run --finish

Setting Report Title

Give a title to your reports by passing it as environment variable to TESTOMATIO_TITLE.

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_TITLE="title for the report" <actual run command>

Reporting Parallel Execution to To Same Run

Provide a shared unique title to all runs that will be running in parallel, and add TESTOMATIO_SHARED_RUN environment var. So all reports will be sent to this run.


We recommend using a commit hash as a title to create a new Run. In this case we ensure that run title is unique and will be the same for all parallel jobs running exactly for this commit.

Adding Report to RunGroup

Create/Add run to group by providing TESTOMATIO_RUNGROUP_TITLE:


Adding Environments to Run

Add environments to run by providing TESTOMATIO_ENV as comma seperated values:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_ENV="Windows, Chrome" <actual run command>

Starting an Empty Run

If you want to create a run and obtain its {RUN_ID} from testomat.ioopen in new window you can use --launch option:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run --launch

This command will return {RUN_ID} which you can pass to other jobs in a workflow.

When executed with --launch a command provided by -c flag is ignored

Manually Finishing Run

If you want to finish a run started by --launch use --finish option. TESTOMATIO_RUN environment variable is required:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_RUN={RUN_ID} npx start-test-run --finish

Setting Build URL

When running on CI reporter tries to detect automatically the URL of the current build. This URL will be set to Run report. Reporter automatically detects build URL for following CI services:

  • GitHub Actions
  • Azure Devops
  • Jenkins
  • CircleCi
  • Gitlab CI

If you are using a different CI or you want to override build url run tests with BUILD_URL environment variable:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} BUILD_URL=<build-url> <actual run command>

Publish Run

To make report publicly available pass TESTOMATIO_PUBLISH=1 variable:


Assign Label To Run

To assign a label to run, a label with scope runs must exist. Then a label can be passed via TESTOMATIO_LABEL variable:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_LABEL=release <actual run command>

There is a way to pass a value to label via ::

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_LABEL="module:checkout" <actual run command>

Or you can set multiple labels separating them with comma:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_LABEL="release,module:checkout" <actual run command>

Create Jira Issue for Run

To automatically assign Run to Jira Issue pass the ID of that issue as TESTOMATIO_JIRA_ID variable

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_JIRA_ID={Jira_Issue_ID} <actual run command>

For example, if your Jira issue id is TST-1, command should be:


Filter Tests

Testomatio allows you to enhance your test execution with the option to filter and manage test runs based on various criteria. This can help you efficiently organize and execute your tests. Below, we explain how to use the --filter option in conjunction with Testomatio for customized test runs.

The filtering functionality for test execution is currently available for the following frameworks: Playwright & CodeceptJS.

To use the --filter option with Testomatio, follow the format:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c <actual run command> --filter 'testomatio:{filter-type}={filter-value}'

Available Filter Types

Tag Name Filter

Filter tests by tag names. Use this filter to select tests associated with specific tags.

Tag Name Filter

Command execution example

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'actual run command' --filter 'testomatio:tag-name=smoke'

Plan ID Filter

Filter tests by Testomatio plan IDs. Use this filter to organize and execute tests based on plan IDs.

Plan ID Filter

Command execution example

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'actual run command' --filter 'testomatio:plan-id=b62f3170'

Label Filter

Filter tests using custom labels. Labels allow you to categorize tests for better management and execution.

Label Filter (by label name) Example 1: Label Filter Example 3

Label Filter (by label id) Example 2: Label Filter Example 1

Another Label Filter Example 3: Label Filter Example 2

Command execution example

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'actual run command' --filter 'testomatio:label=new-label-test'


TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'actual run command' --filter 'testomatio:label=NEW label TEST'

Label Filter based on the Severity type

If you want to use a specific severity type, you should join the "severity" label id + severity type(e.g.: s1-id2:⛔ Blocker).

Here's a list of available types that you can copy and add to the run command:

  • ⚠️ Critical
  • ⛔ Blocker
  • 🔥 Major
  • 👌 Normal
  • ❄️ Minor
  • 💤 Trivial

Label Filter Example based on the Severity type: Label Filter Example 3

Command execution example

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'actual run command' --filter 'testomatio:label=severity-f1b11:🔥 Major'


TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'actual run command' --filter 'testomatio:label=NEW label TEST:💤 Trivial'

JIRA Ticket Filter

Filter tests linked to JIRA tickets. Use this filter to coordinate testing efforts with your JIRA workflow.

JIRA Ticket Filter

Command execution example

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'actual run command' --filter 'testomatio:jira-ticket=LMP-51'

📚 Example Usage

For instance, if you want to run tests with a specific label named "new-label-test," you can use the following command:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'npx codeceptjs run' --filter 'testomatio:label=new-label'

OR using Playwright:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} npx start-test-run -c 'npx playwright test' --filter 'testomatio:label=new-label'

Remember to replace {API_KEY} with your actual Testomatio API key and adjust the <actual run command> according to your testing setup

It's important to note that the provided filter value must match exactly the corresponding tag name, plan ID, label, or JIRA ticket for the desired tests

Please note, that this functionality allows you to easily filter and execute tests based on specific criteria, enhancing your testing experience.

Exclude Tests from Report by Glob Pattern

To exclude tests from the report by glob patternopen in new window use TESTOMATIO_EXCLUDE_FILES_FROM_REPORT_GLOB_PATTERN environment variable (see environment variables list):


You can use multiple patterns separated by ;:

TESTOMATIO={API_KEY} TESTOMATIO_EXCLUDE_FILES_FROM_REPORT_GLOB_PATTERN="**/*.setup.ts;tests/*.auth.js" <actual run command>

(Any files in node_modules will be ignored).

Last Updated:
Contributors: Oleksandr Pelykh